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Pencil & Ink: Lycorne
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Mar 13, 2004
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Coloring & Lettering: Lycorne
One of my favorite professors in Auburn's Engineering Dept. I always make an effort to end up in his and Dr. Dozier's section when I take a class that they teach. They just make things really fun. Ah! And don't forget, the Jay Sanders Film Festival is Thursday at the Dixon Hotel and Conference Center, DON'T MISS IT!
I must have been nice to a collector or something in a past life, 'cause toy karma's being really good to me as of late, so sorry if some of this sounds like bragging, because at this point I just don't care. It all started last Friday. I dropped by the Corner with Becky and Michelle and dumped about $250 into John's lap for some stuff that he ordered from me. Not two hours later I get a phone call from him saying that some sap traded in over 100 1980's TF comics and was willing to sell them to me for a cool $100. Long story short, I get about $500 worth of books for a fraction of the cost. Commence the Dance of Joy. I decide to hit Wal-Mart for food and crap, and decide to check out the toys. What do I find? Every Transformer I've been on the lookout for in the last month. Every single one. Prowl, Rodimus, Divebomb, Landmind, they were there. Dance of Joy is now on the ceiling. Now I'm thinking "what's at the Opelika Wally World?" Well, let's go check. They didn't have any of the new 'bots the Auburn store had...save for one. The 20th Anniversary Prime. *With* the *Black* Ion Blaster. For what? $65. Dance of Joy is now 2X speed. So I'm now sitting at home figuring out where to put all this new crap when I look at the clock. 2am. Toy stock time is just about over at Wal-Mart. Truck on over. What do I find? Energon Megatron. A week early. Still in it's friggin' shipper box. Once I convince the stock lady that I could read shipping codes so that she'd open the damn thing, I came home with the big sumbitch. Dance of Joy is over. It's mambo time. With my Shibamura doll. (Ha! You honestly thought you'd get away without a GPM ref? Please, you give me too much credit...)
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