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Pencil & Ink: Lycorne
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Feb 28, 2004
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Coloring: Lycorne (CG)
Lettering: Lycorne
Have you ever had those odd little quirks or peeves that just keep popping up, even when you think you've gotten over them. I've had this little problem for a while, getting confused for a boy. At first it was fun, but now it's getting annoying! *sigh* Anywho, ya live, ya learn. Ya live through the experience, you learn how little people actually _look_ at things. That's something pretty big if you think about it. Consider it in the future. I like to do that, look at things more closely. It's the details that make the world so fun and gives it flavor. |
I think the picture explains why this page is WAY late. This has been a killer semester. That's really no excuse but still.....Hopefully, we will be able to do semi-regular updates from now on. A lot has happened since the last update. Check the LJ. I may have written something in there.... Hope everyone is doing ok. Enjoy the page!!!
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 All writings & artwork are © Becky Shropshire [Lycorne], Ashley Holloway [Glitter] and any of the other artists on the ADVinAU team. Adventures in AU in no way represents the views or opinions of Auburn University. Nor do the writers and artists hold any copyright to the name, Auburn University. It's just a webcomic some AU students are doing for fun. We make no money, and it's done purely to get laughs, or make you think, just enjoy it. What Is Copyright? |