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Pencil & Ink: Lycorne
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Sep 9, 2003
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Lettering & Color: Lycorne
Notice anything different about the ADVinAU site? Yeah, new layout. And a complete lack of Six Lefts. That's because, the long-promised separation of the two comics has finally occured. http://advau.keenspace.com is still the address for Adventures in AU (which will be continuing as usual), and Six Lefts is now at http://sixlefts.keenspace.com. Update your links. I kinda did this behind Melissa (Rhysani) and Ashley's (Glitter) backs. I did the site change with no warning or notice to anyone, until it had already been done. We had been saying over and over that now that we had a keenspace site for Six Lefts that we needed to separate the comics. I know the mixed archives made for a confusing read. The archives are completely seperate now. The pages are completely up, with the exception of the Links and the Extras for both pages. The Penalty Game needs to be updated as well, so that's on hold until I get that fixed to my satisfaction. I guess I need to sit with Rhys and Glit and determine whether or not they intend to stay on as part of ADVinAU, I certainly want them to stick around, but the decision is ultimately up to them. Both Six Lefts and ADVinAU have been updated. Love us. ^_~ Six Lefts is returning to hand colored art with CG backgroungs. This weeks page looks amazing if you ask me. In other news, my oldest friend/non-blood sib' (Roberto) is currently dating Rhys. As to what I think of all of it. I... I am unsure. I know them both fairly well (I like to think) and thus I have my own concerns about the situation. They both have certain tendencies... I do not know. I will talk to them. Privately- Seperately, about my concerns. I guess that's about it. Happy Birthday Mom.
I've been really tired lately. Don't know why, just am. I've been playing with cardboard lately.....art class is fun ^_^ My scribbles are coming along nicely as well. I have a quiz Thursday and a test next Tuesday. Wish me luck!!! Besides studying in the future, I will be working this weekend...yay, money!!! Ah....must get to work on costumes...ordered my Chii ears.... The last 2 DVDs of Fruits Basket and the first season of Sailor Moon should be coming in the mail either this week or the next....yay!!!!! ^_^
I either pissed a deity off or made one very happy... perhaps both. I was unsure whether to friends lock this entry or not but I decided that being open and honest is the most important and that hopefully others can learn from my experiences. Judge me or don't, hate me or not, nothing changes what I've learned and what my life is like now. First, foremost, and ecstatically: I've found my soulmate. Simple as that sentence, it's true. Robert, I love you. I didn't even know it was possible-- but there are no doubts. There is not a whole lot I can say here... sometimes the fewest words say the most... I've found my Balance. Now for the good/bad news. I spent Wednesday night in the hospital due to the BPD. I'm fine, it was just a rough experience. The upside of it is that I'm finally now able to get some help. They've got me started on some meds and I'll be talking to a counselor as well. There are two sides to everything... I do not ever want to repeat what I went through Wed and Thurs but I'm glad it made a difference. Unfortunately due to my hospital sleep over and the BPD, I've gotten "iffy" around people sometimes now. It's not a paranoia, more like an anxiety. I'm fine with one-on-one and small groups but any more than 4 people or so, or if it gets really chaotic/loud/etc, I get a feeling of fear and REALLY uncomfortable. The idea of classes is terrifying me. Hopefully this will pass. Please everyone, just be patient with me. I'll update more later as I think of it... right now it's bring up too many memories. Neopets time!
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 All writings & artwork are © Becky Shropshire [Lycorne], Ashley Holloway [Glitter] and any of the other artists on the ADVinAU team. Adventures in AU in no way represents the views or opinions of Auburn University. Nor do the writers and artists hold any copyright to the name, Auburn University. It's just a webcomic some AU students are doing for fun. We make no money, and it's done purely to get laughs, or make you think, just enjoy it. What Is Copyright? |