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Pencil & Ink: Lycorne
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Aug 30, 2003
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Lettering & Color: Lycorne (CGI)
I'm still having scanner trouble, but more solveable than last time around. I need to get a power cord for this thing... *sigh* Classes look tough as everything, but maybe I'll manage. At least Dave is in one of my Tuesday/Thursday classes... And I know a clouple of people in my engineering classes on Mondays/Wenesdays/Fridays. I just inked the first real LotF art in ages. Chapter 6's cover page. Given, I haven't completed chapter 5 yet... But, well, I needed to test my current art style on the characters. It has altered some. For the better though I think. I also finally have 'net again. Yay. My friends are putting up with a lot of attention-needy/clingy-type behavior from me lately. They give me far more patience and understanding than I deserve. And I hope that they feel that they can tell me to "bugger off" when I'm being a bother. Seriously. I'll understand.
Think the pic above is random? Well, it is. Anyhoo. Thankee V-babe for the filler (somehow, I seem to remember you saying we could use it...if not, CALL ME!!!!!) The comic is in its ORIGINAL SIZE....ok, so I got lazy (you wouldn't have been able to read it if I shrunk it, anyway) Been kinda depressed lately. Been rearranging furniture with the help of L-chan (thankees!!) Classes have started. My birthday is Monday.
Oye, where to begin on an update? To start of, Chris (Kyndig) and I are officially apart. Saw this coming a LONG way away. Unlike past hiatuses, this break is permanant. If we ever do get back together, it will be far in the future and as two very different individuals. Tis for the best, we both know. We remain best friends and recognize that our bond is one that cannot be broken... we understand each other and despite bickering (which our friends have heard enough of!!) we will always be part of the other, though not as a couple. Love ya Kyn Kyn. Best friends always. Please, any long-haired rouges/philosphers, feel free to court the dragon. Singleness is only fun for so long. I have auditions in 9 days. For those who do not know, these auditons are to be accepted into the BFA program at Auburn University. Basically, I can be a theatre major if I want, but to be a PERFORMANCE major I have to audition. These auditions are doozies and not something I can play with. I've been without the stage too long as is... this means too much... ye gods... *cocky half-grin* Here's hoping!!! My health has been MUCH better. Though the back is still giving constant issues, I'm generally alright. It's about time; I'm sick (pun intended) of a weak constitution. *Stretches wings* I FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!! Registered for Fall Fling... This alone made my day MUCH better. FYI, Fall Fling is the balance to MoonDance, Pagan gatherings held once a year (that two gatherings a year for those paying attention) at Dragon Hills. These times are my recharge times and much needed. Gods... Fall Fling cannot get here fast enough. Need that weekend BADLY. C'mon, I dare ya, get between me and Dragon Hills. The job sitch is waiting till after auditions. I simply cannot keep my focus on both at once. Theatre comes first, always. As all who know me realize... my theatre comes before anything, anyone. Sorry, 'tis my nature. Money is tight but I have dealt with such conditions before. The challenge is fun. :) My car is finally working. Ayya, but it is frustrating trying to deal with 'rents!! They live in their own little world and only deal with mine at their convenience... perhaps one day they will realize the worth of my input and the validity of my views... till then I suppose I just bite my tongue (often!) and do my damnedest to be the daughter that makes them happy. I cannot stand to see my parents' tears... but I cannot compromise who I am and how I feel!!!!! The nightmares are coming and going. I do not like dealing with them but my choices are limited. *tosses a penny* Here's to sweet dreams. Still have not contacted that therapist about the BPD. I need to but something seems to always come up. (Self-sabatoge?) Perhaps after auditions and once stabilized...? The BPD is getting worse every day but I'm handling it. The routine things are the hardest... my apartment needs help. All in all though, I'm doing better than I have the past couple of weeks. It's a waxing moon, I'm feeling productive and I know that no matter the trials.... all passes. I'll just gryn, raise an eyebrow, and toss off a smart-ass remark. This unique dragon is doing just peachy-keen.
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 All writings & artwork are © Becky Shropshire [Lycorne], Ashley Holloway [Glitter] and any of the other artists on the ADVinAU team. Adventures in AU in no way represents the views or opinions of Auburn University. Nor do the writers and artists hold any copyright to the name, Auburn University. It's just a webcomic some AU students are doing for fun. We make no money, and it's done purely to get laughs, or make you think, just enjoy it. What Is Copyright? |