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Pencils & Ink: Lycorne
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Aug 9, 2003
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Lettering: Lycorne
I remember talking to Mom over the phone from my apartment in Auburn a bit more than a very short year ago. We figured, if we could just make it to today, if Dad could go a full year without having a second stroke, it might all be okay. It's August 9th, or at least it will be by the time you read this, the one-year anniversary of my father's first stroke. He had a second stroke in June. We lost him July 21st. Today will probably be very difficult for me. This week defineately has been, with doing all the laundry in the house and the dogs yelling at me for touching the washer and dryer because my father was always the only one who washed clothes in the house for the past 19 years now (he wouldn't let us do it, so being at college, I'm the only one in the house who's washed clothes in almost 2 decades), and then accompanying Mom to a counselor (I very much dislike shrinks), then the lawyer's office, and my brother's way of dealing with Mom's decisions about how she wants to do her will, hell just helping with doing the will is hard. But this is stuff that needs to be done, and I'd rather be helping with it than sitting on my ass. But on the up side! Those four comics I promised would be up as soon as I could get to a scanner? They're up now. Or at least they should be. They start here, at issue 068, and continue through issue 071. Well. I'll get some sleep tonight and we'll spend most of tommorrow checking oil and tires on cars, and packing my little brother for college at Moorehead State in Kentucky.
Work this week wasn't the best in the world....I wasn't feeling too well. I find that lately I'm just not feeling like myself (if, indeed, how I was feeling before was how I really am). I mean, how do you really know who you are? We, as social beings, are constantly molded and shaped our fellows. How, then, do we know if, when trying to be truthful, the self that is projected to others is one's true self or just the fabricated mask society has created for us? Illusion vs reality. Lie vs truth. How do you know? Hitomi wo fuseruto sugukieteshimaisoude
Kawaita jikan no nakade
--"Shell" Witch Hunter Robin
Hint: In dragons, bared teeth is NOT a smile. As to a life update, well, at least I'm not baring fangs at YOU. I made a pretty sign for my door today. Here's what it says:
Please! Do Not knock! I'm not people-friendly today. This is your only warning. "Do Not Disturb Dragon. Jugular Will Be Lost" Exceptions made if you have an appointment, emergency, or serious reason. Jokes Aside Now... Why? A Synopsis: Nightmares last night: They won’t stop. Insomnia is NOT fun. Illness relaspe this morning: Thanks to the nightmares. My back is getting worse too. Intensive auditions preperation: 2 Weeks!! These are too important to play with… still working. A recent break-up: Yay. Singleness. Zero apartment upkeep time: My work is piled chin high b/c of illness… when can I clean? Preperations for several workings/projects: More stress relief than stress but still a lot of effort. A paperweight car: Yep, my car is an actress too. See? She’s playing the Titanic. A computer with narcolepsy: Random freezes and shut-downs. Bad timing ‘puter!! Bad! Nil Rhysani time: Gods… I just want to sit and write. Creating this is a break. Loved life facets being neglected: Too many things I enjoy are not part of my everyday anymore. Emotional issues: I’m ignoring me and helping everyone else. ‘Tis my nature, but I’m tired. General worry & stress: Everyday life things. Mundane things. Money, food, school… ETC. The kicker? This Is The Edited List. Love & thanks, On Dragon's Wings, Rhysani.... sorry, my halo is in the shop currently.
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 All writings & artwork are © Becky Shropshire [Lycorne], Ashley Holloway [Glitter] and any of the other artists on the ADVinAU team. Adventures in AU in no way represents the views or opinions of Auburn University. Nor do the writers and artists hold any copyright to the name, Auburn University. It's just a webcomic some AU students are doing for fun. We make no money, and it's done purely to get laughs, or make you think, just enjoy it. What Is Copyright? |