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CG: Lycorne
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Jul 12, 2003
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Lettering: Lycorne
Yes, I've replaced all rants with guest Rantage. I recieved enough. Sorry Rhys and Glitter. Just don't kill me?
- Lycorne
Hey Hey, you feel that burning sensation....no no not the one when you pee .... The one you get when you go outside, you know the tilt of the earths' axis, the change of the seasons, the white cream filling........ITS SUMMER DINGUS. Yes summer, its hot and humid, and if you happen to see me running around naked in my car with the top down just remember there are some things sticking to the leather that god did not intend, but it gets me outta tickets and feels good in the wind.... until I have to peel myself outta the seat. So you know what summer gets me in the mood for, the same thing Fall, Winter, and Spring do....drinking!! but since its summer, its gotta have some sorta fruit in it so lets learn from my mistakes, First bananas and warm vodka in a blender do not a drink make, why quickly drink down the shitty taste of alcohol when you can chew it for hours and scrape it off the roof of your mouth all night long (yes folks I’ve tried this, not very proud but i was young and stupid, and now I’m just not young anymore), Next the party favorite Jell-O Shots, hey there’s always room for Jell-O.... MY ASS!!! Bring me the head of Bill Cosby I want his head on a pike with a roll of Kodak film shoved in his mouth (see ya next time eating the pudding pops … daaaaa) , I still wake up screaming at night with cold sweats because of a childhood of Jell-O.... damn you Heathcliff Huxtable. Then there's always the summer time favorite thanks to Jimmy Buffet, Pina Coladas whoops i think my wrist just broke, oh well we can always move out west and do interior design. NOPE!!! Last but not least theres my pick using the juice made from the fresh Georgia Fruit of the cola tree...... The Jack and Coke...what the hell else do I drink it makes the room spin the other way around and gets rid of the little Christina Aguliara monsters... BLAH...... Oh well don't worry all you little vampires and shut-ins winter will be here soon with its wonderful warm gray skies and nut freezing temperatures, and then the only burning sensation you should be getting is when your whizzing on the electric fence.
It's been bugging me. It’s been bugging me so long that I seem to have adapted to it. Do guys think about relationships this much? Do NORMAL guys think about relationships this much? Am I normal? I seem to be waiting for something. I had 2 different opportunities to hook up this summer. I avoided one, and toyed with the other. Why? Is there something better? Does my subconscious know something I don’t? I’m waiting for something. I think I know what it is, and if it what I think it is, it will NEVER EVER HAPPEN. I though I gave up on it. But there it is, turning over and over in the back of my head, seeping into my daydreams. Is this love? No, because it’s missing something. Is this obsession? No, because I avoid this person at every turn. Is this insanity? No, because I've recognized the futility, and addressed my own feelings. It should be over, right? I should be able to put this behind me. But I cant. I don’t think I ever will, and I think I figured out why. She reminds me of someone else, someone I had and lost do to the Cruel circumstances this world can throw at you. This rejection reminds me of that loss. Am I trying to relive my life? Yes, that must be it. If she were to come to me now, I would jump at the chance. Its against my better judgment, against my pride, against my rationale. But I would, and I’m a fool for it. Bet you didn’t think a guy was this deep? It’s a factory defect apparently.
Wow, the new season in Japan is kicking off and bringing some new anime series and the continuation of some really good ones. Let's start with the first newly released anime series which would be called: Cinderella Boy: Now this is a strange name, but don't let it fool you. It's not a cute, intended for girls series but doesn't seem to have much of a target anywhere. The series set up isn't all that bad but it's really unrealistic not that the plot helps its believability. The art style is done by what seems to be the same company that did Lupin III but it's a more modern turn on it. The main male character named Ranma resembles Spike from Cowboy Bebop quite a bit. The basic plot seems interesting enough but I'm not entirely sure about it. Basically, a couple of detectives on a case end up in a horrible accident and end up sharing the same body and change control over to the other person at exactly 12:00, the female detective coming out at midnight, and the guy coming out at noon. I'm unsure about this anime but I'll check out a second episode. Happy Lesson Advance: This is a strange series, and don't let it's name fool you, it sure did me. It's about a guy and his high school teachers/mothers, yes all of his attractive female teachers live in the same house and torment him daily. This series is an all around example of nearly anything you can find in anime, from the cute, young, cat-resembling girl to the series and caring teacher to the fights. This series pretty much has everything, cute girls, fights, a bishie or two thrown in for good measure, and some crazy guys. It's worth checking out because I'm still not sure how they fit all these stereo anime archetypes in to one series. Divergence Eve: This anime is really, really insane. Or at least seems that way from the start. They apparently start on the next to last episode and the second episode is really what would be called the first episode. And know that I've seen episodes 1 + 2, this series at least makes more sense. Basic premise is a crew of few men and lots of women with torpedo-sized breasts are fighting against ghouls or creatures from a parallel universe, and one female in particular gets attacked by a ghoul, and as a response to this becomes a ghoul herself or a half-ghoul, not completely sure which. However if you like sci-fi, or huge breasts this is your anime. It's got a rather interesting concept of light year distance travel however. Ikkitousen: This anime won't show until July 30th, however, I've read some of the manga and it's a confusing series but the premise is based from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms era. This series is by far aimed towards guys with gratuitous fan-service and many, many, many fights. The main character is supposedly the reincarnation of Sun Ce (Bo Fu) of the Wu Family. Her cousin is supposedly the reincarnation of Zhou Yu and a few others are well known, such as a patch wielding girl who is the reincarnation of Xiahou Dun (a famous general from the Wei kingdom who had his eye shot out by an arrow and then not wanting to waste any precious senses, ate his own eye). Since I've been playing Dynasty Warriors 4, I'm really looking forward to this anime. There are seven more series that are coming out besides these four, not to mention continuation of Gundam Seed, GetBackers, and Naruto. There are lots and lots of good animes coming out and will continue to come out. Also sometime this year, expect Full Metal Panic Season 2. |
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 All writings & artwork are © Becky Shropshire [Lycorne], Ashley Holloway [Glitter] and any of the other artists on the ADVinAU team. Adventures in AU in no way represents the views or opinions of Auburn University. Nor do the writers and artists hold any copyright to the name, Auburn University. It's just a webcomic some AU students are doing for fun. We make no money, and it's done purely to get laughs, or make you think, just enjoy it. What Is Copyright? |