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Pencils & Ink: Lycorne
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May 24, 2003
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Colors: Lycorne (Colored Pencil)
Thou saivor has come!!!! Thou shalt hail me upon high and give me tribute... or all shall suffer the wrath and pain I will bestow upon all... For upon my graduation day I must have recieved all tribute in amounts enough to raise my new army and fortifications in the northern lands of Kentucky. I shall use this place as my staging point for my invasion of Ohio. From their those who will not join my grand army shall be enslaved in the underground slave mines mining the mythril needed to build my Mecha so that I may create my own mobile suit teams. Those who show promise in my army shall get the chance to join the mobile suit forces and shall be ordained The Chosen Ones. From my new bastions in Ohio and Kentucky I shall storm eastward laying waste to all of those who will not bend to my will be enslaved in new mines placed in all the conquered lands that shall come under my control once the seat of my new republic has been placed in Annapolis, MD I shall turn to the pressing matters of solidifying my new country and expanding northward and westward throughout what is now Canada and to the pacific coast. I will then put my nation under martial law until the people accept their new goverment. The economy will turn to wartime production. I will begin the mass production of mobile suits and training of my new elite army. to be continued ((maybe)) MY name is Robert shropshire and I am your once and future ruler, and never has the world seen such a commander since Patton drove the Germans across Europe. Or has there been such a ruler since the tales of King Arthur were first told to the young babes of the olden days. I have trained myself since my birth in the ways of strategy and never have I met a man who can best me. I am also a capable marksman and a decent one if I do say so myself.
Well, this is how I see it...I'm going to be in Disney World next week, so that will give Rhys-chan a chance to cool down... We love L-chan and we'll miss her! Come back soon, L-chan!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, it's offical, I've flipped. Stresses from various aspects of my life (school, family, romance, etc) in addition to some other problems equals a Sybil Rhys last night. I had at least five distinct personalities vying for control... This is NOT fun. We are Also on the not fun list were my exams/final papers -- with the exception of my theatre course, I do not want to think about how I did. Why is Spring semester always hell? I never have any problems in Fall... On the happy side, check out the penalty given to Lycorne... bad elf, bad!! ;P With Glit-chan and I brainstorming, the pointy-eared one never stood a chance. *shudders in thought of the penalty revenge being plotted* (Way to go Glitter on the artwork for this one!) Anything else? Now that exams are over, I should have time to catch up on a few projects I've been neglecting.. yay! My apartment is clean, I'm working on a poem for a contest, 6 Lefts will actually be coloured on time (oops), and I plan on regulary updating my LJ and website. *Gasp!*
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 All writings & artwork are © Becky Shropshire [Lycorne], Ashley Holloway [Glitter] and any of the other artists on the ADVinAU team. Adventures in AU in no way represents the views or opinions of Auburn University. Nor do the writers and artists hold any copyright to the name, Auburn University. It's just a webcomic some AU students are doing for fun. We make no money, and it's done purely to get laughs, or make you think, just enjoy it. What Is Copyright? |