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Pencils & Ink: Lycorne
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May 3, 2003
[ << The first comic | < Previous comic | Next comic > | Today's comic >> ]
Spring Break story to be continued after finals.
Finals are next week. We're all dead. There will be posts though. The blue elf makes her way back into the moutainside forest... Randomly slaughtering humans who cross her path, especially engineering professors...
Batman has returned to the Batcave...
The dragon is returning to the weyr...
Best viewed in 1024 x 768 All writings & artwork are © Becky Shropshire [Lycorne], Ashley Holloway [Glitter] and any of the other artists on the ADVinAU team. Adventures in AU in no way represents the views or opinions of Auburn University. Nor do the writers and artists hold any copyright to the name, Auburn University. It's just a webcomic some AU students are doing for fun. We make no money, and it's done purely to get laughs, or make you think, just enjoy it. What Is Copyright? |