Penalty Game Rules
- If the webcomic artist is 24 hours or more late posting a strip (without posting an advanced warning), they're subject to the Penalty Game.
- Say the artist is supposed to post on Tuesday, and Wenesday rolls around, I'm not talking the wee hours in the morning of Wenesday, be reasonable, they're eligible to recieve a Penalty Game.
- Just because you qualify for a Penalty, doesn't mean you get one, but hopefully someone will make time to.
- You must be a webcomic artist listed as participating in the Penalty Game.
- The "Penalty" is actually a guest piece. Be it a singular image, guest strip, short series of strips, or edited text of existing strips.
- The penalty is intended to be a friendly joke, so somewhat embarassing images, taking characters and dressing or making them act out of character, is what is expected.
- The artist recieving the penalty can draw a line as to whether or not they're willing to post it, but preferably, the Penalty will get posted just like a guest strip would.
- No nudity/hentai. Tight and low/high cut clothes are fine, but all vitals must be covered people.
- Once you've created a Penalty, just send it to the Penalty recipiant, and notify me via email (lycornes@yahoo.com) so that I can list it as a Penalty Game Round having been done.
- If there is already a Penalty posted, don't send a second one unless they miss another posting day, or have requested extra Penalties.
- If you recieve multiple penalties for one missed post, you post your favorite and can save the others for the next time you need/want a filler. Please inform the sender what you're doing, and inform me when you post what Penalty so that I can link it.
- If you are an artist, and want Penalties (guest strips basically), send an email to all of the Penalty Gamers letting them know how many Penalties you want. Someone should send at least one.
- Do try to keep an eye on the comics of the other Gamers and send Penalties when you can.
To Join the Game:
- You must be a webcomic artist, and willing to both send and recieve Penalties.
- E-mail me your name or alias, your webcomic title and URL, your osting schedule, and your email address to be listed as a Gamer.
- All existing Penalty Gamers will be notified via e-mail when a new Gamer joins.
- *** Put a link somewhere on your site indicating you're a part of the Penalty Game. *** Banners are available on the Extras page. (Link to http://advau.keenspace.com/pg/)
- If we get a lot of Penalty Gamers, I'll set up a mailing list.
To Leave the Game:
- Send a mass e-mail to the existing Penalty Gamers saying you're no longer playing.
- I'll remove you from the list.